About rice

Crystal liturgy—with drums and pipes.


Texture accumulating from grains; simple elements varied, superimposed, and contrasted. Dialogue without attribution, uncountable lines scoring an ambiguous scenography. Building another crystal liturgy.

rice is James Blake, M. Harlan Engelmann, and Toby Ramaswamy, creating music with a focus on timbre and harmony. Intuitive forms explore the gradual processes of minimalism, or reflect the pacing of narrative media. Performing with analog synths, acoustic instruments, and a wide array of digital tools, rice is variously delicate or dense, and always strives for immersion.

rice began in 2016 and is based in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota. It continues to reexamine its compositional approach, developing new interfaces and techniques for interacting with instruments and shaping sound sources.

The three musicians of rice performing on stage at Icehouse
Photo of rice at Icehouse by Logan Carroll

Contact and links

You can contact us via email at rice.band.mn@gmail.com or on our Instagram page.

Check out our other projects: